If you have popped into my blog in the last couple of days you must have thought I had gone mad! I haven't been on as I have had a really bad cold! When will I have a month without some kind of illness! Roll on Spring! Anyway today I came on to check my friends blogs and found 3 copies of a YouTube video I had already posted! I had attempted to download them on the Share service they offer but they didn't show up that day or the next so I embedded it and forgot about the Madonna video!
Anyone know why it is taking so long to upload them? It must have been about 5 days from when I originally tried to them finally appearing!
February can get dreary but we made the best of it.
January is long and February remains dreary but we get to celebrate 2
birthdays and I'm a lover of Valentines day. So all in all, it was a good
month. B...
5 years ago
I had wondered what was going on :) I figured you liked the video enough to post it three times :D Hope you're feeling better.
maybe youtube was having some maintanance problems?
Federal Way florist
Thanks Delina! Much more human today! I do like it but not that much!!
Federal Way - I checked all that at the time as they have a page listing problems but there was nothing showing, so I don't know! Very peculiar!
This is Laurie from Expats. Oh my gosh, thank you so very much for your Bristo suggestion. They just e mailed me with a wealth of material....may be helpful, may not....but it gives me a great deal of hope! best to you!!
Glad I could help, Laurie! I hope it will be useful. I'm all for alternative therapies, as well as trad. medicine.
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