I've recently discovered Facebook and gone ahead and set up a page. At first I couldn't see the point, what with having my blogs, but I have discovered that my younger relatives are all on and therefore more likely to tune in to what we are doing there than on here!
My nephew went through all my posted photo's and I received 7 messages and comments from him on the first day after I had invited him to be a friend! I can also see my great nieces and nephews growing up - I have 5!!
So if you fancy a bit of fun - be my friend! I can tell you how to find me if you are interested.
February can get dreary but we made the best of it.
January is long and February remains dreary but we get to celebrate 2
birthdays and I'm a lover of Valentines day. So all in all, it was a good
month. B...
5 years ago
I am still trying to get to grips with Facebook =-) I love your blog. Do keep updating it. TTFN Px
Thank you! I will now I am feeling human again! :p
A few of my friends are encouraging me to sign up to facebook....I'm still a bit doubtful. Is it Bill Gates/MSN based? If it is I'm not sure I can be convinced :)
Just checked it out for you :)! Microsoft have a 15% equity stake and do the advertising for Facebook in the states through their products(think that's right!) but they have other partners as well. Other than that the company is privately owned. The founders are Harvard boys, so I suppose Bill will take an interest! My OH feels the same about Steve - you want to be here for an Apple rant! ;)
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