This very serious young man is now 12 years old! Where the last 12 years have gone I don't know! We have moved several times, which has involved him changing school and now we are here in Italy.
The fantastic bike you see was not only his birthday present but compensation for not going back to the UK to school! Yes, he wanted to go as that is where all his mates are and he really wants to board - who didn't when they were 12? Anyway, he goes back for definite in September, so hopefully we will have visits by his mates during that time.
The tortoise finally made good its escape. The owner of the garden we live in told us they are wild, so when it finally disappeared we didn't look too hard for it! However our first fireflies have appeared along with the bats, woodpeckers, red squirrels, hawks etc. Apparently there are hedgehogs too, but no porcupines. I wonder why there are no urban foxes?
February can get dreary but we made the best of it.
January is long and February remains dreary but we get to celebrate 2
birthdays and I'm a lover of Valentines day. So all in all, it was a good
month. B...
5 years ago